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Friday, 15 October 2021

The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning of Universitas Trisakti held a briefing for the Selection of Outstanding Students for the 2019 Academic Year.

The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning of Universitas Trisakti held a briefing activity for the Selection of Outstanding Students for the 2019 Academic Year, the event was held for 2 days, Tuesday-Thursday, February 12-14, 2019, located at Building C, 1st floor, Campus A, Universitas Trisakti.

The event was opened by Vice Dean III Ir. Indartoyo, MSA as well as giving directions and explanations about the selection stage to become outstanding students and how to make scientific work. 10 FTSP students who passed the selection were :

  1. Rafi Nugraha
  2. Desty Kusumawaty
  3. Steven Priadi
  4. Alfien Hernanda Putra
  5. Sherrica Augustin Sucipto
  6. Gilang Dewi Rahayu
  7. Fenny Kartika
  8. Adhanando Satrio Nugroho
  9. Nadhita Widyapuspita
  10. Tara Idzani

Furthermore, the Faculty level selection will be held on February 21, 2019, and the University level selection will be held on March 11-17, 2019.The selection of outstanding students is one method to motivate students to be more creative and innovative in carrying out academic and non-academic activities, as an effort to synergize hard and soft skills of students. In addition, it is also to encourage the development of academic culture, as an effort to facilitate students to achieve proud achievements on an ongoing basis.

(Source: IG@usakti_official)

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